Fear of Not being Good Enough, Fear of being alone, Fear of the Unknown, Fear of Change

Fear of being with people, Fear of certain noises, Fear of Loud noises, Fear of my memories, Silent Panic Attacks, Fear of Life Challenges, Fear of Sickness or Anything Medical Related, Fear of Abandonment, Fear of Being Late, Fear of Being the Center of Attention, Fear of Speaking On Stage, PTSD with Panic Attacks



Debilitated by Anxiety? Panic Attacks and Depression? Feeling You Don’t Want To Get Up? Fear of panic attacks while driving? You Don’t Want to Do Anything? You have that nagging, nasty Voice inside that Screams At You You Are Wasting Your Life! You fear you’ll never have the Motivation Spark you once had?

Do you have these fears? Many do. You’re not alone!! When your Anxiety is Bad and Panic Attacks seem to be the dreaded daily Monster, you’ll have your Anxiety bad. Yeah, you’re right. It looks to be the case. That your anxiety is bad today. Sometimes this is the only way go. Face it and go Through It. Though, I wouldn’t say you are a POS. You may feel like it… but you aren’t one.
Look, if your friend was down and not getting up or wanting to do anything, what would be your reaction? How would you treat her? If you’re like me, you would want to help, either getting her out of that funk, or just being there for her until she’s better. Acknowledge your feelings of love and friendship, letting her know that she’s appreciated however she’s feeling.
The Monster voices that are screaming crazy painful things at you in your mind, if you said the same things to your friends, you’d be friendless quick!
Be that same friend to YOURSELF as you are worth it, you are needed and you are loved.
Be powerful if you can today, if not be lovingly patient.


Cathy - Survivor

“I was working at a Wall Street firm when my daughter was born with special needs, requiring much more of my time than my job would permit. This was the root cause of my Anxiety attacks. A caring friend of mine knew Janet and hooked us up, and now have NO anxiety attacks. I have everything I need to confront life and have a perfect answer to mine and my family’s needs.”

-Kelly Davis

Woman still struggling with her inner demons of panic attacks and anxiety

“I wasn’t able to keep up with my company and it’s stress, anxiety and crap that would just come up. As I was aging, this took a toll on me to the point of not only extreme Anxiety, but I was having daily Panic Attacks. I was completely surrendering to this and I, my family and company were suffering for it. I’m a fighter and I still wasn’t ready to hang up my hat and just retire to hide in my room under the covers. I got the support I needed from my doctor and my Accountability Manager here and have the tools and methods to control my inner game, that nagging inner voice, and focus on MY schedule, my time limitations, and what is most important in my life.”

-Candice Allen

Eliminating Panic and Anxiety attacks

Take the first step towards conquering silent panic attacks and the dread of experiencing one while driving. Embark on your journey to recovery with Panic Miracle: The BreakThrough Anxiety Button.

BreakThrough Anxiety